About laboradors per a col · Diffusion Dear friends,
The Mona Recovery Centre is located in the town of Primates Riudellots de la Selva (Girona , Spain). Its fundamental objective is to host , rehabilitate and primates resocialitzar confiscated and provide decent housing and a lifestyle as close to individuals of their species. The 2007 we launched a training program in the field of Primatology directed to the general public and students of related subjects. Also, since 2009 we have initiated a series of courses and workshops covering areas such as monographs Human Evolution, Primate Conservation or photo or drawing of nature . Finally, in order to make a MONA Nature Interpretation Centre, we are incorporating new experiences and activities related to the disclosure of Science, part of our program "ECO": Educate to Conserve .
In these four years have been almost 800 people have participated in some of our activities. During 2011 - on the occasion of our tenth anniversary - we planned to 18 activities, workshops, courses and seminars, hoping to overcome the figure of 1,000 participants. Quite a challenge considering the current period of crisis!
So and as we have done in previous years, currently are looking for a team of collaborators to help us to disseminate and publicize our training activities . What better and more effective to have a solid social network of collaborators? What we want is that people from different parts of Spain, especially those who already have come to our courses, we help to disseminate information (internet, with our posters and leaflets) courses preferably to
• Faculties of Psychology
• Faculties of Biology
• Faculties of Veterinary
Faculties • History
• University Libraries
• Schools and hospitals veterinarians
• civic and cultural centers
• Libraries
• Facebook profiles and groups
• Twitter
• Other social networks
• ... where you think you might be well received.
That way, if you're interested in collaborating with us please send us an email ( recerca@fundacionmona.org ). Enormentente will thank you!
Best wishes
- Dr.
. Llorente Miguel Espino
Head of Research Unit and Research Laboratory of Ethology
Recovery Centre Primates
Cassa Road, km1
17,457 - Riudellots de la Selva, Girona Spain