Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wedding Programs In Spanish

There is hope for our patients

Our friend Gady
Peru Helen Escobedo Silva, n
os ha enviado una copia de un articulo de David Icke, que imprimimos  en su totalidad, aunque no nos haya gustado su traduccion del Ingles, porque, en definitiva, pone de presente los dos puntos importantes: El Bicarbonato de Sodio combate el Cancer y las frutas y verduras, tienen un componente, 
salvestrol, que combate las celulas cancerosas. Este es el articulo:
David Icke

David Icke, 2008.
David Vaughan Icke (pronounced / aɪk /) was born on 29 April 1952
. British writer and lecturer. Since 1990
has been devoted to searching for "who (is) control the world." 1
Icke is a former football player, reporter, sports anchor, and Green Party spokesman
the UK
. He has also authored over twenty books, which explains their views with the results of their research on different subjects, mainly referring to global control by a few humans (and with special emphasis on the Illuminati (mostly magnates and members of various royalties). --------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------
Published in February 16, 2010 at 5:30 pm

Some eight million people die each year from cancer in the world, more than half a million in the United States alone.

The overall number is projected to increase to twelve million in 2030.
Cancer is the leading cause of death for people under 85 and in the U.S. one in four people die of cancer - one in four.

Governments have worked to protect the public against terrorism .. .

"But they are not aware of all beings who suffer and die each year from this disease and that the bloodline families and their pharmaceutical cartel, have consistently failed to heal. "

Together we can do, but not if it comes to pharmaceutical companies.

are huge amounts of money are raised through charitable organizations each year
to finance the search for a "cure" which establishment has no intention to find. A bulletin on August 9 placed in relief, of how a man named Dr. Richard Day, head of the Rockefeller-controlled Eugenics Planned Parenthood, addressed a meeting of doctors in Pittsburgh in 1969 to discuss processing carried n the next global society.
asked doctors to turn off the recording equipment and not to take notes before he detailed a long list of changes that were planned.

A doctor took notes, and later spoke publicly about what was said. Now, 40 years later, we see and read the August newsletter on file in the Web.

Reason I mention it again here is what he told doctors in 1969:
"We can cure almost every cancer right now."
"The information is stored in the Rockefeller Institute."
Day said, to allow people to die of cancer, meant to curb population growth.
"may as well die of cancer as something else!".
These people have no soul and therefore do what they do.
Big Pharma has no desire to heal cancer, while making fortunes for the treatment of devastating symptoms with medications that kill cells, or those who kill with poison, such as chemotherapy.

But that's not all lineage families they see people suffering and dying, as a necessary good, is a form of sacrifice for the stability of the population.

So when no one outside the clique of big pharma, discovered an effective way to treat cancer are immediately addressed by the medical establishment and government agencies.

One such case is the Italian doctor, Tullio Simoncini, a brilliant man and courageous who has refused to yield to the enormous pressure he has faced and still face, because he has realized what cancer is and how it can be treated.

The "crime" Simoncini, was the discovery that cancer is caused by the fungus Candida is a yeast, an organism that lives in the

body in small amounts, even in healthy people.

The immune system normally keeps it under control, but when it becomes a powerful fungus triggers some serious health problems, including cancer.

My friend, Mike Lambert, the Shen Clinic near my home on the Isle of Wight, said of the Candida
"Fungi in general, particularly Candida, thrive by eating the body of its host (his) by dissolving him. No wonder that produce chronic fatigue, which in many cases can be attributed to colonization by the fungus Candida, the victim feels so bad, both physically and psychologically. "
Tullio Simoncini says that cancer is a fungal infection by the fungus, Candida and conventional medical explanation of what cancer as a major cellular malfunction and this definition is s implement wrong.
Simoncini is a specialist in oncology (treatment of tumors), diabetes and metabolic disorders, but more that.
aware he is a doctor who tries to discover the truth, for the benefit of their patients and refuses to repeat the official version of what doctors should do and think.

The autor cuestiona el dogma de la "conformidad intelectual" con todos sus supuestos no comprobados, la mentira, la manipulación y la falsedad, ha sido sumamente crítica con el establecimiento médico, ya que continúan con "tratamientos" que son inútiles para curar la epidemia global de cáncer.

Desde el momento que Simoncini entró en los estudios de la medicina se dio cuenta de que algo andaba mal con la forma como se trataba el cáncer:

"Veo terribles sufrimientos. I was in a pediatric oncology ward and all the children died.
I suffered when I looked at the poor, children, people die chemotherapy and radiotherapy
His frustration and sadness at what he saw led him to go in search of new ways of understanding the treatment of this devastating disease.
began his journey with an open mind and a blank sheet of paper the supposed immaculate and rigid medicine, indoctrinated by conventional medicine and science.
How many more must suffer before people stop seeing doctors who know everything,

as "gods" and realize the magnitude of the ignorance that still have?
Simoncini realized that all cancers acted the same way no matter where they were, in body or in the form it took. Had to be a common denominator. cancer also noted that "packages" was always white.

What else is white? Candida. Simoncini realized that medicine generally believed that cell growth is wild growing to grow and becomes a "cancerous tumor"

actually is the immune system of germ cells that defend against the attacks of fungus-Candida.

He says the sequence is as follows:
Candida is normally kept in check by the immune system but when this system is weakened Candida multiplies, grows and builds a "colony."
  • when Candida enters a body, the immune system must respond to the threat differently.
  • This "way" is to build a defensive barrier with its own cells and this growth is what we call cancer.
  • is said that the spread of cancer to other parts of the body, is caused by 'evil' cells beyond their origin.
Simoncini, however, says this is one of the causes but not absolute. The spread of cancer is caused by the real causes of cancer, the fungus Candida, which escapes from the original source.
What allows the cancer to appear, as stated in their books for years, is a weakened immune system.

When System Immune function properly and effectively prevents the cells or escape clutter, keep the fungus-Candida in place and under control.
Look what's happened in cancer cases worldwide, have soared and multiplied.

The immune system is weakened and attacked by food and beverage additives, agricultural chemicals, vaccines, electromagnetic fields and technology and microwave frequencies, pharmaceutical drugs, the pressure of modern 'life', and more. What defenses are today's children, if they put 25 shots and combinations thereof, before the age of two years, while his immune system is still forming ?...¡¡ By God!

This is how the Illuminati families are trying to instigate a

mass slaughter of the population

. The dismantling of the body's natural defenses to disease.
Now, here's the real surprise.

What destroys the immune system faster than anything else? CHEMOTHERAPY
You can add as well. Radiation.
Chemotherapy is a poison to kill cells. That's all ....

The "cutting edge" cancer treatment is to incorporate the "treatment" is to poison the victim, hoping to kill diseased cells.
But wait.
This poison of chemotherapy also kills the cells of the immune system and leaves it in tatters. And the candida is still there.

The immune system can respond effectively devastated not to attack the Candida fungus, then spreads to other parts of the body to begin the process again, causing the spread of cancer cells. Even those who seem to have recovered after surgery and

chemotherapy simply have lengthened the hours of his watch.
your immune system is broken and is only a matter of time before a relapse causes candida.

In short:

chemotherapy is to kill people who means should be cured.
When he realized that cancer is an infection and infestation by fungi, was looking for something that could kill the fungus and eliminate cancer.

He realized that the anti-fungal drugs do not work because the fungus mutates rapidly and is defended even begin to feed on the drugs prescribed to kill him.
Instead, Simoncini found something much simpler: Baking Soda.

Sodium Bicarbonate is a powerful destroyer of fungus, and unlike drugs, Candida can not "settle" with him.

The patient was given oral sodium bicarbonate and by internal means such as an endoscope, a long, thin tube that doctors use to see inside the body without surgery.

This allows the sodium bicarbonate is placed directly into the cancer, the fungus.
The ancient Egyptians knew the healing properties of anti-fungal substances and books in India goes back a thousand years actually recommended products "Alkali" strong power which is ideal for treating cancer. In 1983, a man tried Simoncini Italian Sangermano

Gennaro, who had given him a few months of life had lung cancer.
A few months later, he was back, healthy and the cancer was gone.

Following the success followed, Simoncini presented its findings to the Department of Health of Italy with the hope that has to do scientific tests begin to show their work.

But he would learn the true extent of medical manipulation and deception.
The authorities not only ignored its documentation, was expelled from the Order of Italy for the prescription of medical cures had not been approved .

was subjected to a vicious campaign of ridicule and condemnation by the media and then jailed for three years for causing "wrongful death" patients who were treated and "cured ". From all corners of the word was out.

The medical establishment said his statements about baking sodium
was "crazy and dangerous."
So much, that led to ridiculously assert a doctor, that baking soda is like a drug.

All the while millions of people are dying of cancer that could have been treated effectively.
Tullio Simoncini has fortunately not discouraged and continued to circulate his work on the Internet and in public conversations. I've heard of him through Mike Lambert Shen Clinic and Simoncini spoke there while I was away in America.

I know he is having a remarkable success in dramatically reducing and eliminating entirely Cancer even some types of real late-stage cancer using sodium bicarbonate.

This can take months in some cases but in others, such as breast cancer when the tumor is easily accessible, it may be days that no longer exists.

People also are healing themselves under the direction of
Simoncini and at the end of this article I linked to some videos which can be hear people talk about their experiences and cures.
I wrote a newsletter in April, talking and explaining that cancer is a fungus.

There is an article on the findings of two British scientists and researchers, Professor Gerry Potter Cancer Drug Discovery Group, and Professor Dan Burke.

Their combined results reveal the following:
"Cancer cells have a unique biomarker" that normal cells do not, is an enzyme called CYP1B1 (SIP is pronounced bee-one).
Enzymes are proteins that "catalyze (increase the rate of) chemical reactions.
The CYP1B1 alters the chemical structure of what is called salvestrol found naturally in fruits and vegetables.
This chemical change makes the salvestrol an agent that kills cancer cells, but does not harm healthy cells. The enzyme CYP1B1 appears only in cancer cells and reacts with salvestrol in fruits and vegetables to create a chemical that kills only cancer cells.

But here's the point with regard to cancer being a fungus.

Salvestrol are the natural defense system of fruits and vegetables against fungal attack and is therefore found only in species subject to damage by fungi, such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, black currants, gooseberries, blackberries, blueberries, apples, pears, green vegetables (especially broccoli and cabbage family), artichokes, red and yellow peppers, avocados, watercress, asparagus and eggplant.
Moreover, Big Pharma

or large posters of biotechnology, has revealed all this and there are two important things to undermine the natural defense of fungi that attack the cancer. chemical fungicide sprays used in modern agriculture kill the fungus artificially and this means that plants and crops do not have to activate their own defense - salvestrol.
only be found in any quantity in organically grown foods.

This is not by chance but by design calculated, as they were and are attempts to destroy the establishment of Tullio Simoncini.
Families want people to die of cancer, not cure it. are so sick mentally and emotionally, because they see humans as sheep and cattle.

Tullio Simoncini refuses to compromise and continues to campaign for what he believes and has seen that the baking soda is an effective treatment for cancer, while in the "real world", the number of deaths from cancer is increasing steadily due to treatment not operate on the basis of assumptions that are not true. Thank God that the world has people brave and committed as Tullio Simoncini.

need more like him and quickly .

What a contrast to him are those who serve the medical profession! When Simoncini spoke Shen Clinic a few weeks ago some local doctors ridiculed his views.

Interspersed throughout were invited to his talk, it would have been of enormous potential benefit for their patients.
The chairs were reserved for them to hear what he was saying Simoncini first hand and give them the opportunity to ask questions.

What happened ?...¡¡ never made them!

"Vested Interests? "Manipulated? When awake?

by David Icke


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