Interview by Victor-M. Amela Ghislaine Lanctot, a former physician and author of the book
- A third of those hospitalized are for drug effects. In the United States, 700,000 people die each year because of side effects of drugs and hospital treatments.
Why do you loathe the medicine?
- I became a doctor for help. I engaged in phlebology, at the varices. Be several clinics. But I was giving me realize the power of the medical industry mafia, which threatens our health, living off that we are sick! To renounce ... and was thrown out of the College of Physicians. And to those described as "medical mafia"?
- The World Health Organization (WHO), the multinational pharmaceutical companies that finance, obedient governments, hospitals and doctors (many in ignorance). And what is behind? Money
"The Medical Mafia" is the title of the book which cost Dr. Guylaine Lanctot his expulsion from the College of Physicians and the withdrawal of his license to practice medicine. This is probably the most complete published report, comprehensive, explicit and clear role in the world the complex formed by the health system and pharmaceutical industry.
; The book explains, first, the erroneous conception of health and disease with modern Western society, fostered by the medical mafia that has dominated public health creating the most lucrative business.
discuss the true nature of the disease, explains how the big pharmaceutical companies control not only research but also medical teaching, and how it has created a health system based on disease rather than health, which becomes chronic illness and keeping citizens ignorant and dependent. The book is pure heavy artillery against all fears and lies that destroy our health and our natural ability to self-regulation, becoming manipulative and completely dependent on the system. Next, a great interview with the author I do Jimeno Laura Munoz for Discovery Health ...
The entire interview here:
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