Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rabbit Cages And Prints


Dear Amig @ s @ s,

weekend of 3 to 5 of June, at the Centro San Juan de la Cruz in Segovia, will take place XX Meeting of Friends of Krishnamurti.

are 20 years of encounters with friends in Spain and it would be especially gratifying to see you there to share a weekend in a space for dialogue, walking, silence, etc. ..

The theme for this year will " Freedom, first and last step "

After previous experiences, we intend to do small group discussions will be distributed by the buildings and the area of \u200b\u200bthe monastery.

Its composition will be random and the groups were formed on Friday night at the welcome meeting and Saturday at a meeting scheduled for exchange of views, also have two video passes a on Saturday and one on Sunday, the blog of the center:


We will be updating everything about the game before and after its conclusion and its subsequent review in which you can help whenever you want.

The time of arrival at the meeting will be 17:00 on Friday 3 and departure on Sunday 5 at 16:30 after eating.

The price of attendance, which includes two nights accommodation in a shared room and all meals is 95 .- Euros . We will prepare a vegetarian menu as every year.

To facilitate the work of organization, we ask for a sign 30 .- Euros by way of reservation, which you can deposit at any branch of BBVA, or your bank Internet, the following account:

No. 0182 0974 01 0201595787

listed, please, " your name" when booking, accompanied by the word " Segovia " and "save the document until after income meeting ."

If you need any questions please write to our email habitual: krishnamurtimadrid@gmail.com

For those who come from outside of Madrid we remind you that does the AVE Madrid-Valladolid, stop in Segovia.

A big hug for everyone.


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