That would not matter on which to speak, as usual, I found great success as it allowed us to investigate more spontaneous and lively.
I would like to highlight here some points that we look at the meeting to communicate, at least for me, is to keep in mind:
THE WORD IS NOT THE THING saw this (not the description is the thing) as between the two there is a psychological distance (call it ego, with all its contents observed separation, distortion, conflict, etc) to avoid observation, because with that burden can not look free.
also saw that the emerging understanding and observation of silence, but would like to add here, that this silence has nothing to do with one another silence that seeks to quiet the mind. THIS is an entirely different nature arises because of LIBERTY, and therefore will not give. Occurs.
One of the contents of the ego: attachment, was raised at the meeting to see it "as we let go" because the other side of addiction binds us and makes us suffer. However, we found that detach pursue is to generate another source of conflict escaping the opposite
the "should." We point out the duality in this movement, and there can only be opposition, conflict, contradiction, because we have escaped the "what." I should underline the great importance of realizing that only the understanding that the attachment does not give us the security and permanence which we yearn, perhaps, would his disappearance, his psychological death. Only intelligence can bring security.
addition we noted that the ego is of essential nature or real, because we realized that the brain is a fiction.
also want to make special mention here some serious observations about participants made during the meeting, because in my opinion are to take into account:
1) the dangers of losing TO THE PERSONAL ANECDOTES automatically removes us from what "we are watching." "What is", using the memory that is thought. We know that thought is not worth being conditioned to observe, to inquire. It is very important to bear in mind that when we look at when we investigate and if possible to see when it happens.
2) BEWARE magic formula, are like systems, and all system caused division, conflict, duality, etc.. In addition the system like the FORMULA Implicit in the "so ...." and therefore there is no communication, there can be "learning" or something new or you are giving VIVO ... . No formula or brings FREEDOM SYSTEM.
3) BEWARE OF PITFALLS where we fall. Oneself can be a trap if you do not realize when we avenues to demand or expect answers and / or conclusions of others whom we yield AUTHORITY detriment of our own inquiry. THE CRISIS IN OUR CONSCIOUSNESS IS NOT OUT.
CHANGE, THE TRANSFORMATION be given in each of us and for ourselves. ANYONE can do it for us.
And finally, say something TO FACE EVERY MOMENT: that while we live in fear, can not act INTELLIGENCE. In all seriousness, one can face (and any other thing that is happening at every moment). Trying to avoid what happens to us will not only more contradiction and conflict. Therefore it is with what happens observed is crucial, and perhaps then, doing nothing ,..... INTELLIGENCE that entails, OPERATE.
Thank you all for sharing this meeting TOGETHER. A big hug to all and see you soon.
Look Insunza.
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