Animal Latitude is an association that aims to provide a space information and training on wildlife in the world and all latitudes, their habitats, conservation, rescue and rehabilitation, promote knowledge sharing and dissemination of events for all organizations involved in these work areas. So the next day 16 and 17 December 2010 organizes Mona the first edition of "Biology, Behavior and Conservation of Primates" to be held in Faculty of Life Sciences at the Autonomous University Barcelona and will last 7 hours total . As Michael says Llorente - Head of Research at the Mona Foundation and professor of the course -: The course is an opportunity to move into the knowledge of our closest evolutionary relatives, know what their condition, their biology and behavior of its main characteristics. A very good opportunity to be aware of all that we share with the various primate species and if possible to raise even more the importance of protecting and conserving the habitats where they are originating. The course also offered to visit facilities Recovery Centre Primates that Mona is in the town of Riudellots de la Selva (Girona), and to observe first hand work that this organization has made since a decade ago in the rescue, rehabilitation and resocialization of primates, as well as environmental education and behavioral research.
Details of the activity:
Venue: Faculty of Biosciences, UAB (Bellaterra). Http://www.uab. cat/Document/151/296/guia_2010,
Dates: 16 and 17 December 2010
Time: 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Places: 40
Rate: $ 50
Visit Mona (optional) : $ 5
More details of the course: Conservation Biology-i.html
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