Sunday, June 27, 2010

Quadriderm Nf Cream Para Que Sirve

Info Center rests until September

Happy Summer to everyone!

La Gran Via 33 room will remain closed until Tuesday September 14 when you resume activities with the passing of Video.

This summer we plan to update the library and publicize a clear and renewed use of the Centre.

As you know we book lending service (2 euros, two-week loan) and sell books. We want to buy some titles and DVD's to get to your not otherwise in things even more interesting.

Stay tuned as we will organize a mini-reunion summer outdoor and announce it in this blog.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Maryland Work Boats For Sale


already have the date for the new course of MONA: 10 and 11 dicembre 2010 ! Do not miss the opportunity to learn more about the origin of our universe!

More info at:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Acidosis Causes More Condition_symptoms

The Cancer and nutrition Cancer Information

Cigarette Smoking and Cancer: Questions and Answers

Key points
  • Cigarette smoking causes 87 percent of lung cancer deaths and is responsible for most cancers of the larynx, mouth, esophagus and bladder (see
    Question 1

  • ).
  • second-hand smoke is responsible each year for approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers (see Question 2 ).
  • snuff smoke contains thousands of chemicals, including over 60 substances known to cause cancer (see question 3 ).
  • The risk of developing smoking-related cancers and diseases non-cancer increases with the total exposure has been had in life to cigarette smoke (see Question 4 ).
  • Smokers can reduce their risk of developing cancer by quitting smoking (see Question 5 ).
  • snuff consumption, especially cigarette smoking is the single most cause of death can be prevented in the United States. Cigarette smoking alone is directly responsible for at least one-third of all cancer deaths in the United States each year ( 1 ). Cigarette smoking also contributes to lung, heart, stroke and development of babies with low birth weight (
  1. ). Smoking is also responsible for most cancers of the larynx, mouth, esophagus and bladder. It also has a close relationship with the development and death from kidney cancer, pancreas and cervix (
    2 , 3 ). Are there any health risks for nonsmokers? health risks caused by cigarette smoking are not limited to smokers. When exposed to secondhand smoke or snuff smoke in the environment (ETS, in English), the risk of nonsmokers for developing lung cancer increases sharply (
  2. , ;
    2 ). (Second-hand smoke is a combination of smoke given off by the tip the burning cigarette and smoke that smokers are fired from the lungs). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), exposure to secondhand smoke causes about 3,000 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers and is estimated to be responsible for lower respiratory tract infections in 300,000 children each year ( 3 ). The Agency for Environmental Protection (EPA) announced in December 1992 a risk assessment report in which snuff smoke in the environment was classified as Group A carcinogen, ie, a carcinogen found for the man, a category reserved only for the most dangerous agents that cause cancer ( 4 , 5 ). What harmful chemicals are in cigarette smoke? Cigarette smoke contains some 4,000 chemicals, including 60 substances known to cause cancer (carcinogens) in humans (
  3. ). In addition, many of these substances, such as carbon monoxide, tar, arsenic and lead, are poisonous and toxic to the human body. Nicotine is a drug that is naturally present in the plant and is primarily responsible snuff of a person's addiction to snuff products, including cigarettes. When smoking, nicotine is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and travel to the brain within seconds. Nicotine causes addiction to cigarettes and other products like snuff which is produced by the addiction of heroin and cocaine (
    6 ). How does affect those who smoke cigarettes on exposure to secondhand smoke? The risk of developing smoking-related diseases like lung cancer and other cancers, heart disease, stroke and respiratory disease is related to total exposure you have had in life to cigarette smoke (
  4. ). This includes the number of cigarettes you smoke daily, the intensity of their smoking (ie, the size and frequency of puffs), the age at which started smoking, number of years a person has smoked and exposure to secondhand smoke snuff hand.
    What effect does smoking cessation on the risk of developing cancer and other diseases? Smokers who quit live longer than those who continue to smoke. Moreover, as soon as you stop smoking, the greater the health benefits (
  5. ). Quitting smoking reduces a person's risk of dying from cancer and other smoking-related diseases ( Internet. What other resources are available? For information additional cancer or the use of snuff, call 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237) or visit the Web site of the National Cancer Institute of snuff in
    http:/ / / cancertopics / tobacco
  6. Internet.
    If you need help quitting, call the National Cancer Institute smoking cessation at 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848) or visit the NCI Web site smoking cessation Internet.
    Information about the health risks of smoking is also in: Address:
    Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    Mail Stop K-50 4770 Buford Highway, NE. Atlanta, GA 30341-3724 Email:

    Tuesday, June 8, 2010

    Homemade Toy Boats To Race

    and smoking

    Silva from Peru

    1-800-CDC-1311 (1-800-232-1311) 770-488-5705
    770-488-5939 (fax)
    770-332-2552 (FAX Information Service)
    Collaboration Gady Elena Escobedo

Interview by Victor-M. Amela Ghislaine Lanctot, a former physician and author of the book
"The medical mafia" which challenges the current medical system.
- A third of those hospitalized are for drug effects. In the United States, 700,000 people die each year because of side effects of drugs and hospital treatments.
Why do you loathe the medicine?

- I became a doctor for help. I engaged in phlebology, at the varices. Be several clinics. But I was giving me realize the power of the medical industry mafia, which threatens our health, living off that we are sick! To renounce ... and was thrown out of the College of Physicians. And to those described as "medical mafia"?
- The World Health Organization (WHO), the multinational pharmaceutical companies that finance, obedient governments, hospitals and doctors (many in ignorance). And what is behind? Money
"The Medical Mafia" is the title of the book which cost Dr. Guylaine Lanctot his expulsion from the College of Physicians and the withdrawal of his license to practice medicine. This is probably the most complete published report, comprehensive, explicit and clear role in the world the complex formed by the health system and pharmaceutical industry.

; The book explains, first, the erroneous conception of health and disease with modern Western society, fostered by the medical mafia that has dominated public health creating the most lucrative business.

discuss the true nature of the disease, explains how the big pharmaceutical companies control not only research but also medical teaching, and how it has created a health system based on disease rather than health, which becomes chronic illness and keeping citizens ignorant and dependent. The book is pure heavy artillery against all fears and lies that destroy our health and our natural ability to self-regulation, becoming manipulative and completely dependent on the system. Next, a great interview with the author I do Jimeno Laura Munoz for Discovery Health ...

The entire interview here: