Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ballet Birthday Invites

on the female orgasm premature ejaculation

By Pedro Villegas Suarez. Medical and Sexologist

This is an issue somewhat compromised because there are many exceptions to the rule and yet do nothing to complicate the understanding of this function. Every girl has the show as well you are doing and tell the truth about what feel, but they exaggerate what they perceive, some not knowing what really should feel and others because it is very easy to talk about everything.

try to explain the reality of what we know today.

now know that around 80% of women, healthy, normal, without any problems with their sexuality, never have an orgasm with penetration. The reason for this is that really the vagina is an organ with very few nerve endings, and that at the time of delivery, if there there are many sensitive nerves, the pain would be tremendous. If there is some sensitivity, but especially in the outer third, ie 3 or 4 inches where input during arousal form what became known as the "orgasmic platform." This only appears when you are excited, if it were not so the girls would feel pleasure, for example, insert a tampax, and you have already proven that it is not.
The idea that the penetration must be pleasant is a matter of sexist or androcentric mythology since time immemorial, man entered the woman, but with the intention of enjoying it. A woman to give him. This came to be so until serologic studies found this. However instead of getting this information out to the street so we could change our behavior what really came out and with great power was porn.
This is mostly male and in any scene we see as a woman "feels very pleased" with whatever you do with a penis or anything like it. You have seen the faces that make them when you put a penis in the mouth, or when the macho on duty will check all the semen in the face. All fairy tales and theater.
As I started writing, there are exceptions, and some women if they are pleased with the penetration, sometimes because their clitoris is bigger and receives stimuli during penetration, sometimes they are by that much this girl has erotic act in their fantasies and when it occurs it causes this discharge, some of which have a special feeling in the vaginal walls. But these on only 15% of all women.
Since then 100% of women if they get their orgasm with clitoral stimulation. And this is very easy to access. All ask the girl who beat or how it is more enjoyable because if there are differences, some anatomical and other learned behaviors in automasturbaciones that make every girl you like from the stimulus in a particular way more than others.
is also true that during penetration if the guy or girl the same worry that this will continue to receive clitoral stimulation, which can occur if you see an orgasm during penetration, but not her.

The picture shows the true shape of the clitoris is actually a cavernous cavernous completely identical to the male body shape and size but different. Co see the branches "legs" of the clitoris reach the entrance of the vagina but it is a little bit away from the sides, allowing penetration but not orgasm if it occurs very pleasant and almost all the girls look to the act if it happens.

Sometimes girls write me saying they do not ever get to the guy and if alone, it is more common than you imagine, and is mainly due to the ease with which we abandon our fantasies when we masturbate and follow a pace appropriate to the way we perceive and when we are with the family costs us so much abandon. Sometimes these fantasies that we both encourage us alone, others that the boy does not play the same way, others cut to what is happening and others for which there is a new circumstance, fear. If fear of pregnancy, to dislike, not knowing how to say no to the requests of the other home, what will happen if my mother finds out, in order to thousands of different circumstances.
These little problems tend to resolve themselves over time, especially if we insist on "I have to get it, or will eventually need some sex therapist. The sexologists are those who understand this problem.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Underactive Thyroid Blurred Vision

Pedro Suárez Villegas

Medical Expert Sexologist and Anti-Aging Medicine.

The most frequent ejaculation is not a disease but a lack of learning a pleasurable sensations in the male sexual response, which leads to not recognize the degree of excitation (... I just noticed that I am very excited and soon I will ...) or the time before ejaculation is imminent. This lack of recognition, along with difficulties in managing their own emotions and anxieties, impossible to relax. Sometimes ejaculation
Early itself is a disorder, it can occur after a good control of excitation and rarely due to organic factors (diabetes, prolactinomas, etc.) and other psychological problems (anxiety, phobias, etc.) even psychosocial (stress, problems couples, etc.).
The learning premature ejaculation may also influence what is called "ejaculatory threshold", something similar to the pain threshold. You'll notice that the pain you feel depends largely on how attentive you are to it, if you're confused you can find some time after a small wound that does not remember when I got it made, however, if you will get an injection, you're so aware that before you put it and it hurts. Everyone has a different and variable ejaculatory threshold, some are excited before other but both have an erection at the same time, all depending on the day we are more willing to get excited or not.
Masters and Johnson, on the basis of their studies, established that premature ejaculation is due to a lack of learning in perception and integration of sensory pleasure felt during sexual intercourse, which leads to not knowing how to recognize when that can prolong the sexual act. Ie to receive the threshold of ejaculation before it happens.

At the onset of sexual activity, the first times that a child has premature ejaculation due to masturbation or nocturnal, so when you have your first sexual relations, he has no knowledge to generate a response that is not ejaculating from occurring when the first excitement. (... I see and I get a hundred ...). This normal process of learning the sensations during arousal does not appear at all in the same manner and time, in some no-shows ever, and gradually be called premature ejaculation, and others learn intuitively.
also relies heavily on the idea they have about the role that a man "must have" in the sexual relationship, as well as one's own self, ie there who can not hear and never the same (-because the first thing I regret is that I'm going to run ....) and some people perceived to have lost his breath. Equally important, self-esteem, that is what you trust in yourself.
also usually the first sexual relations occur in environments of stress, will I know it?, "Will like?, Do you realize this is my first time?, Fear of being discovered, with feelings of guilt, and this anxiety associated with feeling "to go so soon," is what leads to fall into a vicious circle (fear happens .... check that fear is a ... more fear for the next time ...).
is very common for kids with lots of casual encounters, ending with a premature ejaculation is almost always as a "first time", nerves, and in many cases Drinking added to flirt. If on top of the boy thinks the girl that she seems to have much experience and he is regarded with less, this will also result generated anxiety.

So you really see the lack of knowledge about how to manage one's excitement can not be considered an illness or something to worry when you still have little experience, this was discussed because there are many young people from premature ejaculation self-labeling as their first relationships and there nothing worse than a falsely portraying itself as quickly.

medicine is currently looking for drugs that allow a "control" of this process, however it is still far from positive. Most offered a chemical treatment will you recommend psychotropic drugs, which among its side effects, delay ejaculation but do not work for themselves, for what is quite slow sexual response. So many complain of having lost the will also cost them a lot of work to ejaculate and in doing so, they perceive it not nice orgasmic sensation. Therefore, we only recommend the use of these treatments with modifying therapies of conduct, to learn to handle the excitement of a voluntary and not end up depending on other drugs to live our sexuality.

Below we describe some exercises that can help improve your state , especially if you still have little experience with a partner. These are not "miracle products" requires some patience and continuity in their practice. These exercises are very similar to those we use / as sexologists / as in the consultations, the difference is that in therapy, working with the errors that may be committed during the course of these and with the special character of the person ahead, ie exercises can be the same for all but the "focus" and complexity of the treatment is always going to be different. Therefore if you see that this helps your situation is not resolved, go to specialists.

The individual training is usually recommended two years essentially masturbatory training in combination with the technique of stop-start and muscle relaxation of the pelvic floor. The task
masturbation is recommended that you practice the exercise using some erotic literature (books, no magazines or movies) to your usual fantasy does not exercise its action, since they tend to be imbued with the problem itself premature ejaculation and also to have learned from them, tend to greatly accelerate its own excitement. So with the book, we recommend that you begin to caress all over the body trying to get closer to the penis slowly and not directly, to get to it is good that you are very attentive to what you feel the whole body, you look what sign warns you that are close to the pre-ejaculatory feeling for, by the time you feel the least or only the suspect, stop fondling the penis and relax, thus allowing the excitation decreases as quickly as possible. Under normal conditions should even lose the erection.
When you perceive that the excitement has disappeared almost entirely, you must start the process all over again, so up to four times in each session of masturbation (in the last ejaculate). To really be able to give a learning experience, this exercise directed masturbation should do at least a couple of times a week.
After weeks of repeating this exercise, continue with it but instead of stand to feel the sensation prelubricating should simply slow down the pace and pressure on the penis, with the intention of lessening your arousal, then you can increase it when want to increase arousal.

The training of the pelvic floor muscles is a modification of the Kegel exercise of the pubococcygeus or recommended for women with orgasmic difficulties or disparéunicas.
is based on that part of the excitement lies in the increased muscle tone throughout the body and more specifically of the muscles and periprostatic perigenital, this increase in tone, in turn, increases the excitement and reach the ejaculation quickly. Thus, if we train the individual to relax consciously control this area can get a reduced tone and thus the excitation, which in turn will delay ejaculation.
This voluntarily contract the muscles you perigenital, imagine you are urinating and trying to hack urination, if done correctly, you will also receive contracts such as the anus. When you take a few seconds and keeping the muscles loose contraction. Usually the first time you do this you tend to drop suddenly, without much control, gradually learning tend to establish where the relaxation will take place gradually and voluntarily. In this relaxation is to really throw you mind is what you want to learn.
This exercise is repeated in series 10 to 40 contractions and relaxations in two or three times a day. Thus, during periods during training (2 - 3 months) and memories (do the exercise from time to time.) Remember that no one notices that you're doing, so you can exercise it at any convenient site.
also to conduct training, it is important to exercise the slow relaxation and faster sometimes others.
The intention of this exercise is to learn to relax the muscles in full awareness of what you're doing and what you can do the same when you are in a sexual relationship.
This technique combined with the former usually get good results, although we can never insure, as the learned control alone will not be able to exercise under the same conditions when you are with. For a better result should be practiced long enough, some months better than a few weeks.
After a good workout with these exercises you alone when you're with your partner (male or female) to relax from the first kiss, the control must be exercised from the beginning, if you wait too long to start to relax can be a little harder later.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Track And Field Bagpacks

erectiva dysfunction - Impotence

call the service I work for many young people concerned because they believe suffer from impotence, in my practice are those that go well with this same problem. Fortunately, although advertising wants to give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthis is very common in men, we must distinguish between dysfunction disease erectiva not so common and very common situation that after an occasional failure once (Gatillazo) appears a problem of repeated loss or difficulty having an erection.
In this circumstance can be reached by very different reasons, sometimes with some explanation other that we can hardly justify, see some of these possibilities:
Perhaps the most typical is that one night after walking ligand have been drinking and taking drugs the boy intends to maintain a fast and running in the car or in the uncomfortable corners and not get an erection. Here you can find several logical reasons to lose or not get it: alcohol is known
of favoring sex. This is relatively true, but really only useful if it is a small dose. A Cup for both partners can help

uninhibited and eliminate the cut strip in front of strangers. But when we take a few drinks and today is very usual excess, the effect we get is a vasoconstriction, ie our arteries are closed and thus makes an erection that needs soft and elastic arteries.
The snuff on a night of flirting, smoking is usually faster and more and also hardens those arteries. If on top
consumed any drugs they may also sometimes difficult direct action as a result many organic and psychological. Almost all drugs accelerate the thought, hence the "fun" that may be, the problem is that if the thought I have is fear of failure or not to know montármelo or "to heck is happening to my penis ..." This thought accelerated and distorted just going to agonize much more and the decision will be safe. In this sense drugs have formed a useful urban legends for sex. Well, maybe an older person who is bored with repetitive sexuality "help" rather using a substance sporadically. But this has nothing to do with the use and abuse than most people, especially young makes many drugs in one night. Organic Direct effects vary greatly from one drug to another, from one person to another and how a drug manufactured by a "camel" changes in dose, substance used and often apparently drug itself has nothing to do one day another.
Another issue discussed in this circumstance is the anguish with which most men live sex, but fortunately not all those whose sexual self-esteem is a little shaken. I mean, the idea of \u200b\u200b"I have to be the best" kill us all. If someone tries to imitate the "supermacho" of the movies takes a huge upset when they see he can not stand or a few minutes, your penis is not nearly in half and the type and the girl you're not screaming too if only we introduced our "scepter." There is a very distorted view of reality of what is a sexual relationship and almost everyone claims to be "machoman." This idea produces anguish and anxiety situation important. And the anxiety is motivated by what is, among other symptoms tend to decrease the size of the penis, to hide. Sexology is what we call "performance anxiety." If this circumstance is added the factor "the girl", ie the other party at the time we can improve or worsen the situation. That's very typical that if she gives us the idea that it is "very female" and it will be hard to please us more heartache for the account. This is very common today as it has created a very direct erotic language in which it can exaggerate the claims and the man to feel daunted. Another common circumstance is that if she notices that he is having a hard erection is dedicated to doing more things that "help" and these moves away from the can again excite further distress.

When these circumstances occur one or all at once is not unusual for the man suffers a panic attack or just an anxiety attack the next time you propose relationship, as is concerned about the failure last time her anxiety will ask you worry too much and that's very easy to repeat the situation. In Sexology call this "the mechanism of self-observation" is that if I get in looking sex penis or my answer the only thing I do is worry and thus the non-erect penis, this only achieves the excitement, is very difficult to get excited when we turn to an examination.

So the person who after several failed starts episodes around all day giving the problem, usually enter a dynamic test. Test to see if your penis works. Used porn to "see what happens," ever touched a girl looking to see if is excited as before, take another drink more to see if it goes better, you take another drug that has been told that is best for those items. Or, very modern, it takes some of the pills to the pharmacy entered the market. And forget the most sensible thing is to put your problem in the hands of a professional, not of sex but of Sexology. As this is very common, "as I failed with the girl the other day I go to a brothel that they are experts."

At the beginning of the article I explained the situation more frequent "Gatillazo" but there are indeed many circumstances, such as in adults carrying enough time for any reason without relationships and all of a sudden there is a woman in our lives, sometimes our age and other somewhat younger, this younger it gives man the distressing idea that it is facing a fierce sexual demands of him a lot. Usually when I talk to them together and says they pose this as indeed it has never asked for anything or nothing and everything is the result of preconceived ideas they have. Nothing is more dangerous to our excitement that preconceived ideas about what the other person asks.

Sometimes it is our body that keeps us from maintaining an erection or excitement stable. So it is not uncommon that if I am tired exhausted, stressed or just cold, my body does not follow me in my wishes and much to my partner or I want to display an answer, the excitement is going to cost more than is strictly necessary. Today stress is very common, mortgages, unemployment, unstable jobs, and on top of the lack of information on sexuality leaves us in a very complicated situation.

If any of these circumstances occur in your life and you meet a erectiva dysfunction, even go professional as soon as possible in these cases time plays against you. The more times you are exposed to the situation that will generate more anxiety will be worse.
not make the mistake of trying to treatments on your own, the facilitators of the erection pills can only make you understand, mistakenly, that you really have an organic problem and become dependent on them. Used by a professional are a wonderful help, but there will always be to treat the real cause of anxiety and seek a change in behavior, which is one of the most widely used in sexology. The combination drugs over behavioral treatment resolves virtually all cases and in a much more natural.

What Is Syphilis More Condition_symptoms

postcoital pill - Emergency Contraception

When used:
Only when for some reason the premature fall inside the vagina. There is virtually
risk: the boy touch
semen and then touches the girl, but stick your fingers into the vagina.
a moment of penetration without a condom, if it is only a moment, do not rush the time to withdraw from the vagina a few seconds before ejaculating and that girl is not near ovulation.
to withdraw his penis with a condom, sometimes this comes out wet and the boy may note fluid at the base of the penis. Typically, this is the girl. It is very unlikely that the semen comes out below, especially if you take care to position it properly and leave the small chamber ahead of the tip.

Actually if you have questions regarding a practice that has been called the Sexual Information Telephone Youth Board of Andalusia 901 40 69 69.

have up to 76 hours to drink it, THEN IS ABSOLUTELY NOT FOR NOTHING. The sooner you take better, but it is not necessary to run at 3 am, in the first 24 hours is most effective.

typical faults:
control errors reverse control. That of course would not recommend it fails a lot, and generates an anxious situation for both partners. And dedicate a theme to this.
condom breakage, but it is important to know if the guy ejaculated in or not because if this does not happen the chances of pregnancy are virtually nonexistent.
If the condom is entirely within there is also a risk worth taking the pill. There is much risk if the mouth of the condom stays outside the vagina and the sperm will fall out of the vagina and this can not be introduced into its own.
Missed a birth control pill, in this situation you should take the pill that you forgot as soon as possible, even next day provided they have spent more than twelve hours from oblivion. So you should take as the postcoital and continue your course of tablets.

All these situations are high risk if they match the time of ovulation the girl who is usually about half of the cycle, between rule and rule. If this period is not lower risk but should be discussed with the doctor for us to assess whether or not it is worth taking these pills, despite having less risk than the former do not cease to be a health risk especially in situations of abuse.

is recommended not to take them back until at least after spending a couple of months since the last time. It is not a contraceptive method, but a means of emergency situations of risk. I know of girls who take it almost as a usual method and with the slightest chance. This way of making them has not been experienced in the laboratory and do not know the risks health of the girl going to lead, but certainly are not healthy in this way.

After taking it may cause bleeding between 3 º and 21 º days later, most frequently between 5 and 7, this bleeding has nothing to do with the true effect of the pill is to prevent pregnancy and do not cause the bleeding.

The contraceptive effect it does in those 10 or 12 hours and then the side effect is bleeding.

why I say that has nothing to do with the bleeding with the possibility of pregnancy. This might happen, but fortunately very few times that the pill fails in its attempt to prevent this accident, yet if the side effect of bleeding A few days later.

Upon the occurrence of this bleeding outside the normal cycle of the girl, is very common that the cycle is altered and not again have a normal period until the month after the shot.

AND REMEMBER IT IS NOT A CONTRACEPTIVE METHOD, USUALLY TAKE IT OR JUST TO "STAY STILL MORE" IS PLAYING WITH YOUR HEALTH. If you want something usual and without risks to health, go to your doctor and request the normal contraceptive pill.