Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Living With One Kidney More Condition_symptoms

A Solution? Breast Cancer

Cancer Program and Support Advanced Recovery (FOR) was developed for patients affected with this disease in order to maximize the possibility of healing.
Supported by the latest advances in Psiconeuroendocrinoinmunología (PNEI), we offer a comprehensive, individualized program needs unmet by conventional medicine, where patient participation is vital to take the road to health recovery.
no doubts that negative emotional states like fear, anxiety, uncertainty, among others, against a diagnosis considered by many as threatening to life, generate biochemical mechanisms that regulate physiological processes that are associated with disease progression.
Our main role constantly reminds us that health should not be solely in the hands of physicians and patients themselves must become personally involved in the healing process.
which patients learn to use the best strategies for coping with the disease to optimize their immune response is our primary objective.

"Healing or healing?

The main objective of the Foundation is not healing the body but healing the whole being. Healing is a process that goes beyond healing the physical body. It is an emotional process, mental and spiritual surprisingly powerful. Healing is returning to our state of integrity.
So the heart of healing in our approach in the Advanced Program of Recovery and Support (FOR) is to address the different levels of being a person, their physical, psychological, spiritual, relationships, environment and the interrelations between all these levels. Each is important and none can be ignored. Approaching the problem of disease from the viewpoint of the individual, family and health professional who treats you can see how to optimize healing and self-healing resources available so that the medical program can be completely effective. We work for the patient to become resilient, ie to acquire biological and bio plasticity face any adversity to emerge stronger from it.

cancer is not a condemnation

Experience shows that when a patient is properly informed and trained to face not only the disease but its emotional consequences, their resilience will make a difference in any treatment which needs to be submitted.
Today, many scientific evidences show that spontaneous remission is possible. This is the first belief that a patient should take when you think you are convicted of a diagnosis.
not build a strategy that weakens health but is one that is characterized by accepting the diagnosis accept the prognosis, which determines a reduced survival time, contrary to what happens when a patient accepts the diagnosis but the prognosis does not accept .
There are many people who have not accepted the impossibility of returning to health, and devoted themselves to create after they have been convicted. In 1993, he published Spontaneous remission: an annotated bibliography (1) (Spontaneous remission: an annotated bibliography), this work was one of the first studies that reported on the phenomenon of spontaneous remission of various incurable diseases, and hundreds of documented cases point to the reality of the body's ability to respond even when the doctors have predicted that nothing could be done.
In our Foundation can give faith and testimony of numerous cases of cancer patients having been evicted by the medicine, made it back to health. The research points the way of what can be changed when the person decides to enter his house laboratory, in order to strengthen the body's healing response.

Find more information at:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rabbit Cages And Prints


Dear Amig @ s @ s,

weekend of 3 to 5 of June, at the Centro San Juan de la Cruz in Segovia, will take place XX Meeting of Friends of Krishnamurti.

are 20 years of encounters with friends in Spain and it would be especially gratifying to see you there to share a weekend in a space for dialogue, walking, silence, etc. ..

The theme for this year will " Freedom, first and last step "

After previous experiences, we intend to do small group discussions will be distributed by the buildings and the area of \u200b\u200bthe monastery.

Its composition will be random and the groups were formed on Friday night at the welcome meeting and Saturday at a meeting scheduled for exchange of views, also have two video passes a on Saturday and one on Sunday, the blog of the center:

We will be updating everything about the game before and after its conclusion and its subsequent review in which you can help whenever you want.

The time of arrival at the meeting will be 17:00 on Friday 3 and departure on Sunday 5 at 16:30 after eating.

The price of attendance, which includes two nights accommodation in a shared room and all meals is 95 .- Euros . We will prepare a vegetarian menu as every year.

To facilitate the work of organization, we ask for a sign 30 .- Euros by way of reservation, which you can deposit at any branch of BBVA, or your bank Internet, the following account:

No. 0182 0974 01 0201595787

listed, please, " your name" when booking, accompanied by the word " Segovia " and "save the document until after income meeting ."

If you need any questions please write to our email habitual:

For those who come from outside of Madrid we remind you that does the AVE Madrid-Valladolid, stop in Segovia.

A big hug for everyone.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Playfair Shotgun Hill Climbing

Our friend Margaret sent us this note about breast cancer and publish it as too important .
water and soap in the armpits

We spend the night with armpits clean and deodorant, for be a moment of free breathing in the armpit.

time ago, I attended a seminar on Breast Cancer led by Terry Birk with support from Dan Sullivan .
During the discussion, asked why the most common area to develop cancerous tumors in the chest is near the armpit.
My question could not be answered at that time.
This information was sent to me recently, and I'm glad you answered.
I informed a friend who is undergoing chemotherapy and she said I already had this information, obtained in a support group that frequents ...
Now I want to share information with you.

The main cause of Breast Cancer is the use of anti-perspirant!

Yes, Antiperspirant.
Most products on the market are a combination of anti-transpirantes/desodorantes.
Look the labels!

Deodorant is fine, antiperspirant is not.
The concentration of toxins leads to cell mutation:

CANCER. Here's why:

The human body has only a few areas where it can remove toxins: behind the knees, behind the ears, the area of \u200b\u200bEnglish, and underarms.
Toxins are eliminated through perspiration.
The anti-perspirant, as its name implies, prevent perspiration and therefore inhibit the body to eliminate toxins through the armpits.
These toxins do not magically disappear.
As not go through sweating, the body deposits them in the lymph glands found under the arms.
Most breast cancers occur in the upper quadrant of the breast area. Just where are the glands.
In men seem to occur to a lesser extent, but are not exempt from Breast cancer because of the anti-perspirant to use instead of soap and water.

The difference lies in the fact that when men use anti-perspirant, not applied directly to the skin do so in large part on the hair of the armpits.

Women who apply antiperspirant after shaving or shaving the armpits, increase the risk due to tiny wounds and skin irritations that cause harmful chemical ingredients penetrate faster in the body.

Please pass this on to everyone ...

Breast Cancer is becoming frighteningly common and this warning can save lives.

If somehow doubt this information, can make their own investigations
will probably reach the same conclusion.

I already did.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sore Throat And Menstruation

Our friend Luz Stella sent us an interesting e-mail on the asparagus.

is a paper on experiments with a Bio-Chemical
these plants and their results against cancer. For

be of interest to our readers, we publish today in its entirety. We're not entirely sure that the asparagus can cure cancer.

But what we are certain that so far nobody has died from eating asparagus. In addition, it is a very nice meal. See next


https: / / / present / edit? id = 0Abd720SSR_QmZG5ta3R4M183NTFmcmp0M21kdw & hl = en

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Iar Embedded Workbench 7.30b

On the meeting in La Encina, Ciudad Real

Meeting at the farm of the Royal Oak City

I want to tell the meeting that we had on the farm of La Encina with Mario and his friends @ s. Everything went well, we saw two videos of Krishnamurti and comment a little about them, it is very rewarding and we all learned about what is intelligence and education of the mind, we were also blessed with Maria Mar fiddling as enshrined diva music, is a genius and delight us with their songs, vegetarian food and made by an expert and cooking teacher is Maria. Then I go see Coldstream tables that were in full swing and all the wildlife that live there ... In the end we all want to repeat these meetings. I hope to see you too, a hug - DANIEL

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Menstruation With Sore Throat

Eat to live more years ...!!

https: / / mail /? shva = 1 # inbox/12ebb1e820888d93https: / / /? shva = 1 # inbox/12ebb1e820888d93

Our friend Jose Briseno us send some food to keep notes on health originated at the Universities of Cambridge and _Harvard .

See the following link: Food


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mrsa Causes More Condition_symptoms

First Meeting of Friends of Krishnamurti in BILBAO - from 8 to April 10, 2011

weekend from 8 to April 10, the Marie Reparatrice Retreat House, C / Avda Zugazarte, n º 36 - LAS Arenas (Vizcaya), is hosting the First Meeting in Bilbao Friends of Krishnamurti.
Meeting open to friends in Spain who are interested in sharing a few days in a very nice place on the shores of the Cantabrian Sea, along the marina of El Abra, enjoying walks and beautiful places.
For this meeting there is no preset topic will be defined there.
The time of arrival at the Meeting will be 17:00 on Friday April 8 and exit 10 on Sunday at 16:30 after eating.
The price of attendance at this meeting that includes two nights accommodation in single or shared room is 80 Euros.
The food will be vegetarian.
Arriving in Las Arenas (Vizcaya) drive is easily accessible. On the highway, once near Bilbao, the outputs are indicated to Las Arenas and Algorta. For those arriving by bus, in the same Termibús stop is the Metro that takes you directly to Las Arenas.
For any questions call mobile 679 347 923 and ask for look, or write to the e-mail mail:
A big hug for all

About reserve a place:
Care: Encounter Bilbao in April. For those coming for sure: Contact LOOK: to send you the instructions on the reservation fee of 15 Euros for the meeting. Thanks

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Church Anniversary Letters

About laboradors per a col · Diffusion

Dear friends,

The Mona Recovery Centre is located in the town of Primates Riudellots de la Selva (Girona , Spain). Its fundamental objective is to host , rehabilitate and primates resocialitzar confiscated and provide decent housing and a lifestyle as close to individuals of their species. The 2007 we launched a training program in the field of Primatology directed to the general public and students of related subjects. Also, since 2009 we have initiated a series of courses and workshops covering areas such as monographs Human Evolution, Primate Conservation or photo or drawing of nature . Finally, in order to make a MONA Nature Interpretation Centre, we are incorporating new experiences and activities related to the disclosure of Science, part of our program "ECO": Educate to Conserve .

In these four years have been almost 800 people have participated in some of our activities. During 2011 - on the occasion of our tenth anniversary - we planned to 18 activities, workshops, courses and seminars, hoping to overcome the figure of 1,000 participants. Quite a challenge considering the current period of crisis!

So and as we have done in previous years, currently are looking for a team of collaborators to help us to disseminate and publicize our training activities . What better and more effective to have a solid social network of collaborators? What we want is that people from different parts of Spain, especially those who already have come to our courses, we help to disseminate information (internet, with our posters and leaflets) courses preferably to

• Faculties of Psychology
• Faculties of Biology
• Faculties of Veterinary
Faculties • History
• University Libraries
• Schools and hospitals veterinarians
• civic and cultural centers
• Libraries
• Facebook profiles and groups
• Twitter
• Other social networks
• ... where you think you might be well received.

That way, if you're interested in collaborating with us please send us an email ( ). Enormentente will thank you!

can find more information about our courses


Best wishes

- Dr.
. Llorente Miguel Espino

Head of Research Unit and Research Laboratory of Ethology
Recovery Centre Primates

Cassa Road, km1
17,457 - Riudellots de la Selva, Girona Spain

How To Instal Boat Floor

Finding partners for dissemination

Apreciados friends and Amigas,

Mona Foundation is a Primate Rehabilitation Center located in the town of Riudellots de la Selva (Girona, Spain). Its main objective is to receive, rehabilitate and re-socialize confiscated primates and provide decent housing and a lifestyle as close to the individuals of their species. In 2007 we started a training program in the field of primatology directed to the general public and students of related subjects. Also, since 2009 we initiated a series of courses case studies and workshops covering areas such as Human Evolution, Primate Conservation or photo or drawing nature. Finally, with the objective of making MONA a Center of Nature, we are incorporating new experiences and activities related to the disclosure of Science, framed within our program "ECO" Educate to Conserve .

In these 4 years have been almost 800 people have participated in any of our training activities. During 2011 - and making the celebration of our tenth anniversary - we plan to 18 activities, workshops, courses and seminars, hoping to exceed the figure of 1000 participants. Quite a challenge considering the current period of crisis!

So com and maybe we have done in previous years, we
currently looking for a team of collaborators to help us to disseminate and publicize our training activities . What better and more effective than having a solid network of collaborators? We want people from different parts of English territory, especially those which you may come to our courses, we help to disseminate information (online, with our posters and leaflets) of the courses preferably in:

· Faculty of Psychology
· Faculty of Biology
· ; Faculty of Veterinary
· Faculties of History
· University Libraries
· ; centers and veterinary hospitals
· civic and cultural centers
· Library
· profiles and Facebook groups
· ; Twitter
· Other social networks
· Pages websites that may be interested
· ; ... where they believe it might be well received.

In this way, if you're interested in working with us please send us an email ( ). We thank you enormentente!

can find more information about our courses in

hope your answer!


Miquel Llorente

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Whooping Cough Symptoms More Condition_symptoms

Physicians, Cancer, diabetes and other diseases. Goodness of Limon

'Weekly World News' , a magazine in Canada (1/17/1995) produced a list of diseases that can be cured with honey and cinnamon:

- Heart Disease
Make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder, apply on bread every morning, instead of jam and eat it regularly as part of breakfast. This will reduce cholesterol arteries in the patient and prevent heart attacks. In addition, those who have already undergone a heart attack if they continue this process will be protected from suffering a subsequent heart attack. Regular use of these substances helps retain healthy breath and strengthen the muscle and the rhythmic motion of the heart.
In the United States and Canada, various nursing homes have successfully cured patients, people whose veins have lost flexibility and have been covered. Honey and cinnamon the revitalized.

Arthritis Arthritis patients may take daily in the mornings and evenings for a cup of hot water with two tablespoons honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. If taken regularly even chronic arthritis can be cured. Recent research by the University of Copenhagen showed that those doctors who treated their patients with a mixture of one tablespoon of honey and half teaspoon of cinnamon before breakfast, evidenced in a week, 200 patients, 73 felt no pain and arthritis per month, almost all patients who could not even walk or move through the pain, moving without pain.

- Digestion
Cinnamon sprinkled on two tablespoons of honey taken before meals can reduce the acidity and even digest heavier foods.

- Colds and Colds
A scientist in Spain has proved that honey contains a natural ingredient which kills influenza germs and protects patients from the cold.

Longevity Tea made with honey and cinnamon, taken regularly reduces the damage caused by aging in tissues. Take four tablespoons of honey, cinnamon powder and three cups of boiling water to make tea. Take a quarter cup, three to four times a day. Keeps the skin fresh and decreases the damage caused by the aging of tissues and free radicals, lengthening the period of vitality regularly over 100 years.

- Infections of the Bladder
Take two teaspoons of cinnamon powder and one tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water mixture and drink normally. Destroy the germs in the bladder

- cholesterol-l
Two tablespoons honey and three teaspoons of cinnamon powder mixed with 16 ounces of tea administered to a patient with high cholesterol levels, reduced their blood levels by 10 percent in the first two hours of treatment. As previously mentioned for arthritic patients, if taken three times a day, any chronic cholesterol disease is cured. According to the information in this journal, pure honey taken daily as food helps reduce cholesterol.

Colds Those suffering from severe cold can take one tablespoon lukewarm honey with 1 / 4 teaspoon of cinnamon for three days. This process will cure any cold and clear the sinuses.

Stomach Honey taken with cinnamon also helps cure stomach ulcers clear and to heal completely.

- Gases
Studies in India and Japan revealed that honey and cinnamon, reduce the gas in the digestive system.

Immune System Daily use of honey and cinnamon powder strengthens the system immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viruses. Scientists have found in honey various vitamins and iron in large quantities.
Constant use of honey strengthens the white blood cells and protects against disease.

Pimples Three tablespoons of honey and cinnamon powder, make a paste can be applied to pimples before sleeping, washing the next day with warm water. If done for two weeks, pimples will disappear
from the root.

- Skin Infections

Applying honey and cinnamon in equal parts on the affected parts cures eczema and all types of skin infections.

- Weight Loss
In the morning, half an hour before breakfast and before bedtime, drink a cup of boiled water with honey and cinnamon. If you drink regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese. Also, drinking the mixture regularly does not allow fat to accumulate in the body even if the person has a diet high in calories.

- Cancer
Recent studies in Japan and Australia have shown that advanced cancers of the stomach and bones have been completely cured. Patients suffering from these cancers should daily take one tablespoon of honey and cinnamon for about a month three times a day.

- Fatigue
Studies have shown that the sugar content in honey help and not undermine the amount of force in the body. For older people who take honey and cinnamon in equal parts are more alert and are more flexible. Dr. Milton, who has done research says that a glass with a tablespoon of honey and sprinkled with cinnamon every day to get up and three in the afternoon, when the vitality of the body starts to decrease, increases the body's vitality in the space of one week.

- Halitosis (Bad Breath)
People in South America tend to gargle with a spoonful of honey and cinnamon in hot water preserving el aliento fresco por todo el día.

- Perdida del Sentido del Oído
A diario, miel con canela en partes iguales ayuda a reparar tejido dañado de los oídos. Que no recuerda en su niñez haber comido pan tostado con mantequilla y canela..

Si usted desea compartir esta información con amigos, seres queridos y compañeros, hágalo. Todos necesitamos ayuda y buena salud.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Holcomb Shower Doors Customer

New Programming DVD's

In this blog we have updated the programming of the DVD's that will be putting in the center. You will see the list on the left margin of blog.
HOURS: Tuesdays 19:00 h s wings

Meeting in Ciudad Real - "La Encina" - Organizers: María Velázquez

New Friends meeting K in La Encina, Ciudad Real
An opportunity to share, learn and investigate together

date: 26 Saturday and Sunday March 27


10 to 11 arrivals and greetings

11 to 13 Pass DVD: "The healthy mind" Part of "The Nature of Mind"

13 to 18 prepare dinner, eat, rest, chat, or walked, and what emerges.

at 18 and until we are with energy: research on why there is even what we perceive to hear K on the DVD in the morning.

20 to 22 prepare dinner, and pick up dinner, chatting by the fire and sleep.


Between 9 and 11 and pick up breakfast, free time

Of 11 to 11.30 A little bit of silence

At 11.30 we will see the DVD: "Krishnamurti dialogues with students of Rishi Valley School." The No. 2

After seeing them children K s the food preparation will be filled with silence and tenderness.
After lunch we will hike to Table of Coldstream, is a real joy to see them full of water and life!

To contribute financially to the development shall be paid (once in the farm) 35 €

People who are interested in attending get in touch with Mary. You can do so by email to the account: or mobile 608451893 and if possible before 20 March.

Getting there: From Madrid take the M-40 follow it until you see the exit for Ciudad Real, (the post is Puertolapices) will soon send you the road to new highway M-43 once there take the exit N º 9 and take direction Almagro up to the km 14 where you will see a path then wide on the right, what you take and follow him to see the Encina n ª 5

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Forum in February 2011 "Continuity of desire"

"What, then, that produces the continuity of desire Is it the thought, right? first seen the car, then comes the feeling, which is the desire. And if you thought comes the desire to convey continuity, saying: "I have to have that car, how it get it? ", then the desire ends. Do you understand this? I ask that you release the desire, on the contrary, you must understand its structure; and then you will find that there is no continuity of desire, but something else entirely.

important thing is not, therefore, the desire, but the fact that we transmit continuity. For example, we transmit sexuality continuity through thoughts, images, pictures, feelings or memories, the memories keep thinking about all that and so the importance of sex and sense remains, continues. Not that the senses are not important: they are, but we introduce a continuity in the pleasure of the senses it becomes overwhelmingly important in our lives. The important thing is not, therefore, be free of desire, but to understand its structure, and as thought provides continuity. And that's all. Then the mind is free, and you have to try to free you desire. From the time they seek the liberation of desire, and you are imprisoned in the conflict. Every time you see a car, a woman, a house, or anything that attracts you, and continues thought comes desire, and then it all becomes an endless problem. "(" The changing psychological "JK, 1964)

important thing is to live a life without effort, without a single problem, and can live without a problem If you understand the nature of the effort and clearly see the entire structure of desire. Most of us have thousands of problems and to deliver them we must be able to end each immediately, as they arise. "

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Catchy 2nd Birthday Phrase

Change course date Primate Conservation

We inform you that the course of THE CONSERVATION OF PRIMATES AND ITS NATURAL HABITAT which was scheduled for next February 25 Recovery Center Primate Mona Foundation, will be held on Saturday March 12, 2011 by scheduling problems.

More info at: / / 972 477 618

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Change the dates of photography courses

We inform you that there has been little change in the dates of the courses that celebrate nature photography in 2011 in Mona Foundation.

courses and final dates are:


Call 1: 15 and 16 April
Call 2: 1 and July 2


Call 1: 29 and April 30

More info at: / / 972 477 618

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Graves Eye Disease More Condition_symptoms

Topic Forum

explanations and causes are an easy way out

Any ever wonder why human beings make mistakes along the way, why they become corrupt, indecent behavior - aggressive, violent and cunning? It's not good to blame the environment, culture or parents. We need to unload the responsibility for this or deterioration in others some event. The explanations and causes are an easy way out. The ancient Hindus called this karma-what you've sown is what you harvest. Psychologists located the problem in the lap of parents. And what say the people who call themselves religious, based on their dogmas and beliefs. But the problem is still there.

Then there are others who are born generous, kind, responsible. Neither the media nor any of upset. They remain as they are despite all the fuss. Why?
Any explanation has little meaning. All explanations are escapes, evade the reality of what it is. And that's all that matters. What is can be completely transformed the energy wasted in explanations and the search for causes. Love is not in time nor in the analysis, or in mentation or recriminations. It's there when you are absent the desire for money, position, and the cunning wiles of the self. 1973 Brockwood


Sunday, January 9, 2011

How Much Does Myammee Weigh

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Church Anniversary Letter

JANUARY 2011 YEAR 2011 Happy! Research Forum

From The Krishnamurti Information Centre in Madrid we send you a hug and thank you for all you do monitor our web sites and activities that are proposed.

always welcome your comments and suggestions.

We invite you to discover the online store of books and DVD's of Krishnamurti:

Books and DVD's in English, English and other languages \u200b\u200b
http:// UK

2011 Calendar with pictures of F. Grohe and Krishnamurti quotes (English)

in USA