Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Underactive Thyroid Blurred Vision

Pedro Suárez Villegas

Medical Expert Sexologist and Anti-Aging Medicine.

The most frequent ejaculation is not a disease but a lack of learning a pleasurable sensations in the male sexual response, which leads to not recognize the degree of excitation (... I just noticed that I am very excited and soon I will ...) or the time before ejaculation is imminent. This lack of recognition, along with difficulties in managing their own emotions and anxieties, impossible to relax. Sometimes ejaculation
Early itself is a disorder, it can occur after a good control of excitation and rarely due to organic factors (diabetes, prolactinomas, etc.) and other psychological problems (anxiety, phobias, etc.) even psychosocial (stress, problems couples, etc.).
The learning premature ejaculation may also influence what is called "ejaculatory threshold", something similar to the pain threshold. You'll notice that the pain you feel depends largely on how attentive you are to it, if you're confused you can find some time after a small wound that does not remember when I got it made, however, if you will get an injection, you're so aware that before you put it and it hurts. Everyone has a different and variable ejaculatory threshold, some are excited before other but both have an erection at the same time, all depending on the day we are more willing to get excited or not.
Masters and Johnson, on the basis of their studies, established that premature ejaculation is due to a lack of learning in perception and integration of sensory pleasure felt during sexual intercourse, which leads to not knowing how to recognize when that can prolong the sexual act. Ie to receive the threshold of ejaculation before it happens.

At the onset of sexual activity, the first times that a child has premature ejaculation due to masturbation or nocturnal, so when you have your first sexual relations, he has no knowledge to generate a response that is not ejaculating from occurring when the first excitement. (... I see and I get a hundred ...). This normal process of learning the sensations during arousal does not appear at all in the same manner and time, in some no-shows ever, and gradually be called premature ejaculation, and others learn intuitively.
also relies heavily on the idea they have about the role that a man "must have" in the sexual relationship, as well as one's own self, ie there who can not hear and never the same (-because the first thing I regret is that I'm going to run ....) and some people perceived to have lost his breath. Equally important, self-esteem, that is what you trust in yourself.
also usually the first sexual relations occur in environments of stress, will I know it?, "Will like?, Do you realize this is my first time?, Fear of being discovered, with feelings of guilt, and this anxiety associated with feeling "to go so soon," is what leads to fall into a vicious circle (fear happens .... check that fear is a ... more fear for the next time ...).
is very common for kids with lots of casual encounters, ending with a premature ejaculation is almost always as a "first time", nerves, and in many cases Drinking added to flirt. If on top of the boy thinks the girl that she seems to have much experience and he is regarded with less, this will also result generated anxiety.

So you really see the lack of knowledge about how to manage one's excitement can not be considered an illness or something to worry when you still have little experience, this was discussed because there are many young people from premature ejaculation self-labeling as their first relationships and there nothing worse than a falsely portraying itself as quickly.

medicine is currently looking for drugs that allow a "control" of this process, however it is still far from positive. Most offered a chemical treatment will you recommend psychotropic drugs, which among its side effects, delay ejaculation but do not work for themselves, for what is quite slow sexual response. So many complain of having lost the will also cost them a lot of work to ejaculate and in doing so, they perceive it not nice orgasmic sensation. Therefore, we only recommend the use of these treatments with modifying therapies of conduct, to learn to handle the excitement of a voluntary and not end up depending on other drugs to live our sexuality.

Below we describe some exercises that can help improve your state , especially if you still have little experience with a partner. These are not "miracle products" requires some patience and continuity in their practice. These exercises are very similar to those we use / as sexologists / as in the consultations, the difference is that in therapy, working with the errors that may be committed during the course of these and with the special character of the person ahead, ie exercises can be the same for all but the "focus" and complexity of the treatment is always going to be different. Therefore if you see that this helps your situation is not resolved, go to specialists.

The individual training is usually recommended two years essentially masturbatory training in combination with the technique of stop-start and muscle relaxation of the pelvic floor. The task
masturbation is recommended that you practice the exercise using some erotic literature (books, no magazines or movies) to your usual fantasy does not exercise its action, since they tend to be imbued with the problem itself premature ejaculation and also to have learned from them, tend to greatly accelerate its own excitement. So with the book, we recommend that you begin to caress all over the body trying to get closer to the penis slowly and not directly, to get to it is good that you are very attentive to what you feel the whole body, you look what sign warns you that are close to the pre-ejaculatory feeling for, by the time you feel the least or only the suspect, stop fondling the penis and relax, thus allowing the excitation decreases as quickly as possible. Under normal conditions should even lose the erection.
When you perceive that the excitement has disappeared almost entirely, you must start the process all over again, so up to four times in each session of masturbation (in the last ejaculate). To really be able to give a learning experience, this exercise directed masturbation should do at least a couple of times a week.
After weeks of repeating this exercise, continue with it but instead of stand to feel the sensation prelubricating should simply slow down the pace and pressure on the penis, with the intention of lessening your arousal, then you can increase it when want to increase arousal.

The training of the pelvic floor muscles is a modification of the Kegel exercise of the pubococcygeus or recommended for women with orgasmic difficulties or disparéunicas.
is based on that part of the excitement lies in the increased muscle tone throughout the body and more specifically of the muscles and periprostatic perigenital, this increase in tone, in turn, increases the excitement and reach the ejaculation quickly. Thus, if we train the individual to relax consciously control this area can get a reduced tone and thus the excitation, which in turn will delay ejaculation.
This voluntarily contract the muscles you perigenital, imagine you are urinating and trying to hack urination, if done correctly, you will also receive contracts such as the anus. When you take a few seconds and keeping the muscles loose contraction. Usually the first time you do this you tend to drop suddenly, without much control, gradually learning tend to establish where the relaxation will take place gradually and voluntarily. In this relaxation is to really throw you mind is what you want to learn.
This exercise is repeated in series 10 to 40 contractions and relaxations in two or three times a day. Thus, during periods during training (2 - 3 months) and memories (do the exercise from time to time.) Remember that no one notices that you're doing, so you can exercise it at any convenient site.
also to conduct training, it is important to exercise the slow relaxation and faster sometimes others.
The intention of this exercise is to learn to relax the muscles in full awareness of what you're doing and what you can do the same when you are in a sexual relationship.
This technique combined with the former usually get good results, although we can never insure, as the learned control alone will not be able to exercise under the same conditions when you are with. For a better result should be practiced long enough, some months better than a few weeks.
After a good workout with these exercises you alone when you're with your partner (male or female) to relax from the first kiss, the control must be exercised from the beginning, if you wait too long to start to relax can be a little harder later.


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