Friday, October 17, 2008

Harley Davidson Birthday Cake

Forums or neighboring pens "Sexology

called me yesterday, the Sexual Information Telephone Youth angustiadísima that a woman did not know whether practice of friction between your genitals and your partner could be put at risk of pregnancy. As the internet has decided to seek this information and found what I now call "the neighboring pen." Forums.
After the conversation with her and reassure her of the atrocities he had read, I myself got into these sites and I froze. What atrocities read!
The conclusion I drew is that the sperm is a kind of alien creatures that lurk in any place (navels, hair, English), waiting to pounce on its prey, "the egg." These aliens endure hours and hours, in some "chat" answers "to days, outside, go through clothes as if ghosts of operetta and sometimes be dealt with only smell the girl was" pregnant. " I hope these explanations
some "insiders" they are just bad information and not malice, it's true that I read was in a high percentage of cases lies, if not half-truths or just a complete lack of idea about what he was talking.

If you do not believe, meted the words: seminal fluid, or fraction, or pregnancy in any form and hallucinations.

understand that many answers are given with the intention of explaining anything to anyone who asks. But if you're just going to speak from your experience and you tell your fears or your des-knowledge read in any magazine "for girls", you better save those comments and read something serious.

The woman who called me was worried "only" but many girls and boys become obsessed with these comments and they end up in the hands of psychiatrists for his fear of early disease ends up being a true obsessive. Chartered

, girls and foreadores / as, Be aware that the other side of the line there is someone very, very worried about something that has happened and your comments may do much, much damage.

If you meet someone with this and no doubt know, the recomendadles 40 69 69 901 is the Sexual Information Telephone Youth of Andalusia, attended by Health Professionals.


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