Thursday, May 27, 2010

English Version Of Fire Emblem: Sword Of Seals.

"Medical Mafia"

tablets anamú benefit patients with cancer and AIDS
A lot 160 thousand tablets anamú, new immunostimulant herbal medicine produced by the pharmaceutical East, it will benefit patients with cancer and AIDS.

The tablet, 400 mg and completely natural, will be supplied initially in oncology consultations and patients with the AIDS virus in the province of Santiago de Cuba, where it is proven their effectiveness, according to their response immune cell type in the human body. Martha

Zoe, Master of Natural Medicine and Bioenergetics, told AIN that the pills are made from the dust of leaves and young stems of anamú, grass that grows wild in the island added, which will be given orally, as a less aggressive for patients. tablets already have an initial medical record, supported by ethnomedical reports of the plant and research related to traditional use and reported benefits.

Alexander Batista, director of the Center for Toxicology and Biomedicine in the province, said that during the preclinical and toxicological tests conducted at this institution demonstrated the overall effectiveness of the medication, an important endorsement for use in humans.

immediate Claims introduce researchers are free of charge to patients through specialist consultations, so far coordinated with hospitals and Surgical Clinical Oncology Juan Bruno Zayas, the territory.
also try to sale in pharmacies by prescription, and marketing in the international market to complete the cycle biotech claimed in Cuba.
The anamú is an herb infusion as an antispasmodic, diuretic, stimulant and sudorific, local analgesic and anti-inflammatory in various skin conditions, and is used for arthritis, malaria, rheumatism and memory problems.
in Cuba used a decoction of the whole plant for cancer and diabetes, also anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antitumor properties, and antileukemic and cytotoxic effects against several types of cancer cells.
A study published in November 2008 in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, emphasized that the anamú combat cancer cells in different ways, and recommends further study of this plant as a possible agent to combat malignant tumors


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