Friday, November 19, 2010

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And what the stars have to do with the monkeys? AVAILABILITY OF SEATS COURSES


is the first question that throws me most people who come to our website a course entitled "Of the primates to the stars: initiation to astronomy " . A second question is: so what do you give courses in astronomy? . Certainly, and even "cold" look something like bacon and speed together, or even quantum physics and associated haute cuisine, everything in this world is their relationship. It's all about stopping to think and reflect.

In 2007, Mona Foundation laid the first stone of what is now his "Training Program" mainly focused on primatology and ethology in , but without ruling out other disciplines and areas of interest. At the time we launched the course "Primate Ethology level 1", which impart 7 calls and attended a total of 97 people . In 2008, we conducted a total of 3 courses: Level 1 primate ethology, primate ethology level 2 and the first edition of the specialization course field assistant in Primate Ethology. A total of 135 people enrolled in our courses this year. During 2009, we increased to 6 courses, incorporating to the aforementioned courses "primate ethology level 3", "Practical Workshop observation primate behavior, and a course on" origins and evolution of human behavior . " The number of registrations increased to reach 243 people. In 2010, we have added 4 more training activities: The conservation of primates and their natural habitats , Introduction to nature photography , a workshop for high school students and the course on astronomy. In 2011, we will introduce new workshops and seminars on cognition, scientific and naturalistic design, management, care and resocialization of primates. Where is the line? Right now I have not found it.

And again we ask and what do we give courses in astronomy? As discussed Rafael Balaguer, a professor of that course: " Astronomy is one of the first science practiced by humans and this course will help us understand how matter of the star has been smart enough to wonder about its origins, through the process of humanization first, and humanization later. This is certainly a key moment in the history of life on Earth. The time when the universe becomes aware primates ... ". Again, as said Rafael " After a decade of work, Mona Foundation has crossed their borders and is much more than a Primate Rehabilitation Center . Thus, with the objective of making a MONA Interpretation Centre Nature, is more than interesting to incorporate new experiences and activities related to the disclosure of Science . " As Balaguer points " This is more than just a course of astronomy. The course not only designed for students to look to the sky in a different way then to do it. is an opportunity to learn more about the origin of our universe and ourselves . Is a journey through the evolution of the last few billion years of Earth, a time to become familiar about the origin and fate of our universe, being aware of it, of who we are, what role does ... all in the setting of Mona Foundation. "

What have to see the stars with the monkeys? Find the answer on 10 and 11 December from 10.00 to 18.30 in Mona Foundation.

More info: / / 972 477 618


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